
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

A Christmas Prayer

Turning aside from an overdose of Christmas, trading that frustration for meditation, and coming to a quiet place of prayer. . . 

Heavenly Father,
You are the Designer and Maker of All there is,
How awesome that You also made the way
for me to approach You in prayer. 
I come in humility and honesty.

Today I’m occupied with Christmas
traditions and expressions of family,
mingled with the excessive, the noisy,
the beautiful and the tacky,
the demands and opportunity.

All the trinkets and toys and earthly treasure
snare my mind with thoughts of pleasure;
show me the way through the unnecessary,
the way to what is true,  and what pleases You. 

I lay down my busyness, my concerns,
my confusions and satisfactions,
my courage and fears,
my success and shortcomings, 
the uneasiness of unexpected tears.

Show me how to commune with You
in truthful simplicity.
Show me how to hear from You
with renewed clarity.
Show me how to live my days.

Thank You for Jesus who saves me from sin.
I’m grateful for Your love,
And I look forward to being with You in eternity!

By Elaine Hardt ©2005