
Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Got An Idea for Tomorrow

        The staff of Beneficial Financial gathered in the conference room to meet the new manager from Arizona.  His opening remarks were:  “Here comes my next tomorrow.  Will it be a happy day, or maybe bring me sorrow?”
Some puzzled looks responded to that unexpected statement.  
No one spoke until he smiled and said, “You’re gong to add some words to this and they don’t have to rhyme.  The topic is ‘Here Comes Tomorrow.’”  Then he pointed to Sydney and waited.
“Sir, the idea that I’d add to your topic would be …….hmmmmm.  I know I’ll do my very best, because tomorrow will bring some kind of test.”
Smiles around the room provided the encouragement the rest of the staff needed.  
Chita waved to get attention, and she spoke up, “When I was a little kid, the very best is what I did.  But grownup and working, too, I find some stuff is harder to do.”
Grant was the next volunteer and his first comment was “Thanks, we don’t have to make everything rhyme.  That would take me a lot of time !”

If you were there for that Monday meeting what ideas could you contribute?

What does tomorrow mean to you? 

by Elaine Hardt ©2018

I CAN and I WILL !

This challenge is hard, but I’m going to do it;
This trouble is tough, but I’m going through it.

Trouble can’t last forever — not much longer;
I will not be discouraged, I’ll get stronger.

Though the light gets dim, and I don’t know what to do;
Jesus holds me close, and He will see me through. 

My mind settles down, my lips form a prayer;
I don’t know how exactly, but God gets me there. 

Jesus is empowering me to do it;
Jesus is with me as I go through it.

One step at a time I can climb this next hill;
I believe that I can, and I know that I will.  
                                  + + + 

  By Elaine Hardt ©2010 


When something looks impossible to you
            AND it’s something important for you to do . . . 
                    hopefully, you’ve got a little time to take a good look.
Jot down what comes to mind, then see what other info you find. 

If it looks impossible:  
What are reasons why you feel it’s necessary to deal with now ?
What is the possibility you can locate some trustworthy info yourself ?

How do you classify this impossible challenge ?
Your job
Your location 
Family relationship 
Social relationship
other - - - 

Is this like some other recent challenge ?
Is this like some everyday irritation ?
Is this like some problem others are facing now ?

Take a few minutes to appreciate that you’ve conquered other problems in your life.  You didn’t get where you are today by just sitting down and looking out the window at the flowers in your back yard. 
Take a few minutes to discuss your view of this new problem/challenge with your Heavenly Father.  He already sees and knows it all, but here now you acknowledge your needs, your viewpoint, your feelings.  Maybe some Bible verse will come to mind and you can affirm the blessings you appreciate in your life today.    + + + 

by Elaine Hardt ©2018

Here Comes Christmas !

Christmas comes but once a year,
that is how the poem goes . . . 
So try to remember, looking back,
playing outside when it snows ?  

Your favorite gift as a little kid ?
Your best present as a teen ?
Your first Christmas when you got married ?
Now, or any time in between ?

But, of course, our families knew
the real meaning of the day! 
Though some friends talked about Santa
every night our prayers we’d say.

Growing up, we learned more in church
and read our own Bibles, too.
What a wonder that our Maker loves us! 
What we learned about Jesus is true.

Christmas? The world adds lots of silly stuff!
We’ve all grown up through these years;
It’s up to each of us to hold fast —
Salvation, trust, faith, confidence, no fears.

Everyone has a dying day ahead . . . 
Our future brings our new destination.
The time to prepare to meet God is now.
Believe in Jesus, pray without hesitation.
+ + + 

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9 

     by Elaine Hardt ©2018