
Friday, November 22, 2019

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving Day

             ***Pray now for God's blessing. 
No accidents, no incidents,
no tickets, no troubles,
not even see an accident.

No big rainstorm,
no thunder and lightning, or hail,
no wind, no flooding on the roads.

No speeding,
no careless driving, you or anyone,
no drunks on streets or highways.

Good wisdom for everyone:
troopers, drivers, passengers,
truck drivers, motorcyclists.

No wrong way drivers,
No fussy passengers, young or old,
No unexpected delay going or coming home. 

May this important day be special:
a time to be thankful and verbal,
a time to appreciate each other. 
***Join all of us praying for a great day. 
                         + + + 

by Elaine Hardt © 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Looking Way Up in the Sky

One small cloud was all I could see
looking from one side to the other, 
the sky was so nice and blue.
So why am I telling this to you?

It might be lonely up there today, 
but it didn’t have to share the sky
So I smiled at that one little cloud,
“Enjoy being there,” though not knowing why.

I gave all this more thought that night.  
God created such stuff, give Him praise !
Don’t be totally full of yourself,
so like some people I know these days.

God gave each of us a body and brain;
we can experience using our mind.
Think about our wonderful Creator,
Pray and ask wisdom and blessing to find. 

There’s lots to know when you ask and seek,
Add on some contemplation.
Learning sometimes takes some time
Exercise your imagination.

Enjoy the changing views of the sky,
At night you’ll see many a star.
Be thankful you are ready to learn.
Maybe you don’t know it all so far.

                              + + + 

by Elaine Hardt ©2019

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Hey ! You’re Still Alive TODAY.

Today is a NEW day.
Something different is on the way. 
What you choose to do and say,
     “Could be important to me.” 
Could improve what you see; 
could improve what will be. 

There’s something you can learn
as you choose which way to turn — 
     something interesting you’lI discern. 
Your Father in Heaven sees it all. 
Pray to Him so you don’t fall.
He hears your every call. 

It’s time now to think and do ! 
Be thankful for today’s view ! 
     See what really matters to you ! 

by Elaine Hardt @ 2019