
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Psalm 23 for 2010

A personal song from me to God:
You, Lord, are my Provider!
There’s nothing lacking in Your provision.

You give shelter and food
Beyond what I think or hope I deserve.
You are concerned about my soul, not just my body.

You offer forgiveness and salvation;
Your ways are holy and perfect,
And Your name is exalted.

Yes, when my days are confusing,
even full of circumstances that are threatening
I remember to hand my fear over to You.

Your wisdom and direction I gratefully receive,
Your presence is a comfort to my soul;
I feel secure.

Even living in the midst of unbelief and evil
You have blessed me with Your Holy Spirit;
This is overwhelming!

Every blessing I need comes from Your loving hand
For every day of my life,
And when I die I will go to be with You forever.

By Elaine Hardt ©2010