The TV news, the radio news, the Internet news, the newspapers . . . we seem to be overloaded with reports of bad news, scary news, unacceptable behavior of all sorts, and more and more terrible disasters.
What are we nice, normal people supposed to do? Let’s not just flip it off and ignore what’s happening.
- Let’s pray for the victims and their families.
- Let’s pray for the criminals, the gangs, the hateful people.
- Let’s pray for the police, the firefighters, the rescue groups.
- Ask God’s blessing on our Armed Forces, the Congress, the President, the judges, the local elected politicians.
- Certainly, pray for your own protection, for help that you need, for your neighborhood and town. Pray for wisdom for what to say and what to do.
Each of us needs a serious outlook on how to improve these situations. If we care, we do something. Y E S !
by Elaine Hardt @2018