
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Looking Ahead, Planning Ahead

Looking ahead, planning ahead, setting my goal,
Preparing for the future of my body and my soul.

Finding the facts, using logic, deciding what to do,
I know I certainly need to find out what’s true. 

One day I’ll stand before the LORD in eternity;
Life: what a challenge, what an opportunity!

Monday, December 24, 2012

You Will Remember THIS December

You will remember THIS December
If you’ve found that holiday peace
That comes from a personal quiet time:
A new satisfaction will increase.

You’ll give yourself the bold honesty:
Ask God about your uncertainties;
Yes, speak directly to the LORD,
Tell Him your perplexities.

You’ll gift yourself with thoughtfulness
When you treasure a time of prayer;
This can meet your greatest need,
And of course, you certainly do care!

Why now?  

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Are You a Christmas Person?

        Are you for Christmas, or against Christmas?  Is it a matter of gimme-gimme-gimme, or showing off when we give something to someone else?  Is it outdoing the neighbors in decorating house and yard? 
        Is it party time, dress up time, go to see all the cute holiday movies?  Whose birthday is it, anyway?  Santa Claus or Jesus of Nazareth?
        Beyond this, a deeper controversy is heard every year.  Dare we do any of the “worldly things” for Christmas?  Are we being bad to take part in any kind of celebration?
        A look into the Bible brings to light some facts.  Nowhere are we commanded to keep December 25 as a holy day.  Nowhere does it specify that Jesus was born on December 25. History shows some pagan traditions that do claim December for their unChristian beliefs.
        Do we advance the cause of worldly traditions when we take part in some of them?  No, there is an advantage for the believer and a blessing we can give to the unbeliever.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

The Christmas Worry

        I need to tell someone.  Maybe you’d consider this?
         It’s almost Christmas!  People are going to send out some Christmas cards.  It’s an outreach to some relatives and some friends; it’s not just to provide jobs for the postoffice.  These people (that’s you . . . ) need to be encouraged to write — in their own words — about God’s magnificent love that we each desperately need to personally accept.  
        "Aaaack," some will frown or declare or yell.  “I don’t want my relatives and friends to label me a Religious Nut.”  
        (Please be patient and read on.  This is only 654 words long.  You can do it?)

Saturday, December 01, 2012

A Little Bird Alone in Winter

Pretty little bird, sparrow hawk bird,
     Go ahead and sing your song,
       Although you seem to be all alone
          In a stark white-frozen world.
Without anticipation or worry or fear
     You do what God created you for,
        Reminding us of the beauty
           And resiliency of life:
              His magnificent creation.
                     Sometimes I, too, feel alone
                            Surrounded by icy delusion,
                               The world stiff and numb with pride, 
                                   Hearts solidified in serious confusion.