
Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Questions Looking for an Answer

Did you command the moon or awaken the sun?
Did you imagine that you were the Holy One?
Reasons for faith, are there none?

Did you call yourself into being one day?
Is the human body only breath and clay?
Do you tell the stars to stay?

Can you hush the ocean’s mighty roaring tide?
Or make erupting of a volcano subside?
Do you rule the animals of the land?
Do you hold the future in your hand?

Is Mother Earth or Father Time a deity?
To the Real Creator this is an effrontery.
God is, and was, and always will be.

Have you considered your destiny?
Is there a problem with humility?
Time to face reality.

Name the answer you want to own;
Pray to the One who sits on the Throne,
Or do Eternity, without God,

By Elaine Hardt ©2001