
Monday, March 04, 2019


         The monthly lunch of the Hungry Heroes was last Tuesday at the Best Breakfast and Brunch cafe.  Everyone was all smiles, except for George.  
        After the waitress took their orders Sam smiled and said, “George, you must have had something to irritate you.  What’s up?”
“Well, ordinarily my feelings don’t take over my face.  But, yesterday! I jotted down some words on my computer sorta quickly.  Now, I wasn’t going to make a big deal of it.  But I did write about it.  So, here goes . . . “

Face Your Aggravations 

Worry is the opposite of Trusting God,
Fear means we lack Faith in God,
Ask Him for directions and energy, too.
Obey what He tells you to do;
He will truly help you.

Sometimes stuff is easy for you to do,
Sometimes you feel overwhelmed with circumstances.
How long do you want to feel so blue?
What have you already tried to do?
Is the whole world looking at you?

Situations in the world are getting worse
Do you remember that God loves you? 
Confess your shortcomings to Him now,
Ask Him to teach you and show you how;
Life is a daily test — now you can do your best.  

It was completely quiet now, some of the guys looking down to avoid making eye contact.  Then Sam said, “My compliments to you, George.  You give all of us something good to think about.” 
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by Elaine Hardt ©2019