
Saturday, February 09, 2019

Things HAVE Changed

Today’s newspaper listed the Latest & Greatest Computer Club meeting for 4 pm on Saturday.  Oh, well.  I can find other things I need to do, instead of sitting through the young members gushing over the new updates.  I remember when the club was the Happy Day Computers.

You’ve noticed, too, that nothing stays the same.  Well, it was handy when the old telephone on the wall got upgraded.  Now it’s just a little thing that’s portable.  Too bad someone invented a way for strangers to call you with a recorded sales pitch.  How did they get my phone number?

Even going to church has changed.  Grandma Grace played the piano so nice.  Now the youngsters want the loud music of guitars and cymbals and drums.  If only they knew how your ears responded after a few years of that.  Can’t go to the worship service now because it gave me ringing 24x7 in my ears.  

So, the choice is mine.  Acknowledge that I’ve been growing older and avoid all this new stuff that is banging on the TV and the computer — avoid those kids who want to show off — or remember to pray for them.  Are they listening to the sermon or glancing at their smartphone all the time?  Have they really made the commitment to the Lord?  Do they read the Bible?  Do they care about us who used to volunteer? We used go to a prayer meeting before services.

Times are changing.  Shall I be bitter or get better?  

I have decided to pray more, also write to my grandkids, my brother's and sisters’ grandchildren and mail that piece of paper to them the old-timey way, with an envelope and a stamp.      * * * 

by Elaine Hardt ©2019