
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Hear the News? See the News? What Are YOU Doing to Help?

The TV news, the radio news, the Internet news, the newspapers . . . we seem to be overloaded with reports of bad news, scary news,  unacceptable behavior of all sorts, and more and more terrible disasters. 
What are we nice, normal people supposed to do?  Let’s not just flip it off and ignore what’s happening.  
  • Let’s pray for the victims and their families. 
  • Let’s pray for the criminals, the gangs, the hateful people.      
  • Let’s pray for the police, the firefighters, the rescue groups.  
  • Ask God’s blessing on our Armed Forces, the Congress, the President,  the judges, the local elected politicians.  
  • Certainly, pray for your own protection, for help that you need, for your neighborhood and town.  Pray for wisdom for what to say and what to do.
Each of us needs a serious outlook on how to improve these situations.  If we care, we do something.                  Y E S !

by Elaine Hardt @2018

Friday, March 16, 2018

Making a Difference

This or that?  What makes the difference ?
What will boost my confidence ?
What fixes or helps or improves it
a whole lot or a little bit ? 

What can make me better in my life ?
Do I cause irritation, confusion, strife ?
Can I ever solve my problems so old ?
Is it time to be quiet…or bold ?

Have I prayed about this enough today ?
Wonder what help the Bible might say . . . 
I must settle down and think it through.
Has this ever happened to you ?

by Elaine Hardt ©2018

Tuesday, March 06, 2018

April Fool’s Day ? Easter 2018 ?

This year Easter arrives on April Food’s Day Do you know why ?
     Easter is more than hardboiled eggs you decorated for your kids and the pretty Easter lily you can buy at the grocery store.
     Easter is a moveable date, the time following the cycle of the sun.
     Easter is linked to the Jewish Passover by much of its symbolism. 
     Easter is celebrated in different ways in the traditions of various church denominations.  
     It involves Lent, observed by some people as a 40 day period of fasting, prayer and penance.  Holy Week, includes Maundy Thursday’s Last Supper, Good Friday commemorating the crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus.  Then on Sunday the celebration is the resurrection of Jesus.
     And we remember other customs such as hunting for Easter eggs,  the Easter bunny, and Easter parades. Kids got a new “Sunday dress.”  And what fun seeing women wearing pretty hats with their outfits. 
     Easter celebrations around the world are described in detail on   It’s 27 pages long if you click to print it. 
     You can read the Bible verses about the Last Supper,  The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus, and the Resurrection.  Go to   and type in a word to bring up Bible verses.  What an interesting search this is !
You'll want the facts so you can decide what to believe about Jesus ! 

by Elaine Hardt ©2018

Saturday, March 03, 2018

Rating My Week

  1. What did I learn in my life this week?
  2. What did I learn from observing others this week?
  3. What do I think God wanted me to learn this week?
  4. What unfinished business do I have?
  5. What’s my plan for next week?
Rate yourself for handling the good and not-so-good events that happened last week. Your assessment can bring a smile or a frown.  Honesty in this little personal exercise could bring a new flash of enlightenment.  A little nudge might be just what you need.  

Call this experience a challenge.  Consider the value of making personal changes.  Your frustration can lead to a new determination for a new beginning.  Confer with your boss, that is, pray to your Maker.  

If you’re serious about improving yourself write down your impressions. Keep track of your bright ideas. 

Rate your week about seven days from now; size up your progress and your success in life lessons. 

by Elaine Hardt ©2018