
Saturday, January 06, 2018

A Special Gift for YOUR Kids for 2018

     Which Christmas do you remember, growing up?  Which family vacation do you remember when you were just a kid? 
     Here's a special gift you can give YOUR kids this year . . . on some special day . . . or just any ordinary day.
     Jot down some memories of the early Christmas things you remember.  (This is not a Master’s thesis for ASU.)   Just get started on some of it today.  Later, in your “spare” time . . . if you have any empty time before bedtime . . . your clever, busy brain will think of some other things to add to it.  
     Then take some other spare minutes to jot down some other memories you have.  When they're written down that's a big help.  
     See how good you're doing so far?  Go back and add other interesting details that come to mind. 
     Keep in mind what a nice surprise this will be for your kids someday in 2018.  Maybe at a family meal for a holiday, or any other day when you've made your memories into a booklet you have a unique gift . . . one of a kind!
     Keep a copy for yourself in case you live to be 99 and are slightly forgetful by then!
     ( Don't you wish computers and printers were invented back in Grandma's and Grandpa's day?  What a wonderful blessing that would be for you, as well as the coming generation, to know more about living in those olden times !) 

by Elaine Hardt ©2018