
Sunday, October 01, 2017

Two Useful Words for You

“Oh, well.”  These are two useful words you’ve heard and probably do say. Picture some circumstances when they come in handy.   
“Oh, well . . . “ and you mean “Give it some time.”
“Oh, well . . . “ and it’s saying “Relax for now.”
“Oh, well . . . “ telling yourself, “I’ll solve it later.”
“Oh, well . . . “ explaining a situation.
“Oh, well . . . “ when you want to come up with an apology for a misunderstanding. 
And you’ve maybe said those words at some other time?  Maybe you’ve needed those words lately?  Here’s an idea.  Consider this attitude:  
Take a deep breath,
Give it a smile,
“Oh, well” could help
you . . .  for awhile.

Of course, it’s so good
when you remember to pray;
the LORD will bless
and help you today!
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by Elaine Hardt ©2017