
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Something Matters

I want to do something that matters,
To repair, improve, help or contest,
Sharing my perspective and insight,
Trying to do what seems the best.

I want to say something that matters
Without carelessness, ignorance, or pride,
To calmly suggest with truthfulness,
And so consider life’s spiritual side.

I want to write something that matters,
That makes a difference in somebody’s life,
To acknowledge, challenge, encourage,
To bless them through their endeavor or strife.

I want to live like something matters,
Grace, by faith, our Creator’s plan:
Repentance, forgiveness, obedience,
Anyone who wants to know Him, can.

To believe, to be, to say, to do,
Facing life’s continuing test;
To look above, receive God’s love,
This matters, then we are truly blessed.

by Elaine Hardt ©2009