
Friday, March 12, 2021

Sad ? Mad ! GLAD ; )

An idea came to your mind as you sat relaxing, quietly.

Your first response was to feel sad.  “I’m not doing the best right now.

Wonder why that popped into my head right now.  What can I see?”

A few quiet moments, alone, led to an idea.  “Oh, yes, I remember."  You take a look at the past that brought that occasion to mind.                                                                                                                                    

Another time an idea came to your mind as you sat relaxing, quietly.

“Oh, my!.” It was a stupid, crazy thing they did, and what they said.

Why did they get away with an unnecessary action right there, by me ?

A few quiet moments:  did you do something wrong?   What ?  Why ? 

You take a look at the past that brought that occasion to mind. 

Another time an idea came to your mind as you sat relaxing, quietly.

Your mouth flew open with some words and a big smile.

“Wow.  I’m glad I remembered that — who did, who said, & my reply.”

Yes, sometimes there’s really a time to be glad, certainly.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for bring me back to that good time.

And now, to you, the dear reader of this writing . . . 

Do ponder the cause and effect of those three normal reactions.

SAD means there’s a situation to recall, people to pray for.

MAD means now you can learn from your words and situations.

GLAD means you can treasure the good that the LORD shows you.

Life is full of experiences.  It’s time to think, consider, learn.

Decide to do better when you talk, listen, react. Think it over. 

Now is your opportunity to make better choices.  You CAN do it, too.  

Speak up with words that are positive, caring, yet powerful. 

You’ve dedicated yourself to the LORD; remember He’s with you. 


by Elaine Hardt ©2021