Well, what do you know ! It’s been another year !
Time to celebrate, so give a smile and a cheer !
Of course, we thank God as our blessings we count.
Such help He has given — every day a great amount.
It was the Lord’s doing to sell our PV place.
With no ads, no For Sale sign, it was amazing.
We hadn’t even put it up for sale —
It sold so quickly; God’s the one we are praising.
We’ve rented a townhouse in Cottonwood that’s nice.
Robert &Lori gave good help and advice.
Downsizing, rearranging has been a new chore;
We’re thankful for the Lord’s direction so much more.
Growing older is something really new —
it seems to happen to us ! How about you ?
Write down things you recall from your past;
Save those memories from your brain at last.
Count your blessings, can you still sing that song ?
Appreciate those good days all year long !
Let’s try to keep on keeping in touch,
Don and I care about YOU so much.
Yes, anticipate challenges you’ll face,
Call them Opportunities to grow in grace.
We thank God for His love and care;
We ask Him to bless YOU in our daily prayer.
So enjoy Christmas — and in the Bible you’ll read
Jesus came to be our Savior, so heed !
Who knows how much longer we’ll live here,
When Heaven’s our home, goodbye to fear !