
Monday, December 16, 2019


Fire ! Flood Earthquake ! Avalanche ! Snowstorm !  
Tornado ! Hail ! Volcano Lightning ! Thunderstorm
Cyclone ! Blizzard

PAY ATTENTION Every day the news reports some big, bad storms somewhere in the world. It’s shocking to hear all the troubles hitting the world and so many people affected by these events.

PRAY:  With serious concern for all those people in those areas we should pray for them, of course.  Pray for the first responders, pray for those attempting to rescue, pray for news media people going there to report to us.

PLAN FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY:  What can you do today to prepare for any of these serious events?  Do you have some cash on hand?  Got enough gas in your car to drive away from the area?  Got a cell phone to help keep in touch?  Got some change of clothes in your car, also some water and some nutrition bars?  What else would be helpful for you in some serious event?

PRAY ABOUT THIS, TOO:  Give some thought about this, too.  You can pray for people to turn to God, to repent, to be ready to die if bad stuff is happening to them. Pray for their relatives who will be forced to handle serious events, sad emotions.

HERE’S A CHALLENGE FOR YOU NOW.  What’s your own attitude in all of this living and dying?  If something so drastic happens to you are you ready to die?  Have you thought about God, about judgment, about eternal life? Got your plans made?  

Right now . . .  before other stuff catches your attention . . . your response is so important. You are important to yourself, important to your family, probably to your friends, too. Consider your own eternity.  The Bible tells us that Almighty God created this world and the people, and you, too.  Your own response to His love is a great big decision that you can settle today.  

SO, DON’T PUT IT OFF.  Your choice means everything to YOU. Own up to what you did that wasn’t good, and own up to your need for forgiveness.  Own up to your appreciation for Jesus dying for your sins.  Own up to your response to a new view of life and death and eternity.  At do a word search and learn more about it. This is a huge opportunity for YOU right now.   

                                                * * * 
by Elaine Hardt ©2019

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Will YOU Be Ready for Christmas ?

Is everything decorated the way you choose ?
Inside and outside looking very good ?
Also keeping up with the latest news ?
Doing just what you think you should ?

So, you really are prepared ? Show us a smile !
And keep reading on for a little while . . . 

When dying happens to someone you know
Was it anticipated?  Will it turn out OK ?
Are family and friends needing some help ?
Will you find some suitable words to say?

Oh, but what if it’s more serious than that . . 
What if that’s your personal day to die ?
You’ll meet your Creator God for judgment,
Is that a day to rejoice in Jesus, or to cry ? 

Being prepared for life’s challenges . . . ?
a very serious, important thing to do.
The Bible isn’t just some old book.
Think now and decide what dying means to you. 
                          + + +

For God so loved the world 
that He gave His one and only Son, 
that whoever believes in him shall not perish 
but have eternal life. 
For God did not send His Son into the world 
to condemn the world, 
but to save the world through him.”    John 3:16,17   

Go to to look up LOTS of words.

by Elaine Hardt ©2019

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Achieving YOUR Goal

Advancing on Life’s Pathway,
    Making progress every day,
        Choosing what and how to say.

Yes, planning and praying, too,
    Working with my goal in view,
        Sharing ideas with you.

Asking logical questions,
    Considering suggestions,
        Reviewing rejections.

Working hard consistently,
    Saying more “Thank you” and “Please”
        Celebrating victories.

Glad I can do what I should,
    Goodbye, frowns, I’m doing good,
         My smile says I knew I would. 

Yes, every morning I pray,
     Thankful for this new day.
            and "God, please help me !"  I say.
                       ! ! ! 

by Elaine Hardt ©2019

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Here Comes Christmas & the New Year

Well, what do you know !  It’s been another year !
     Time to celebrate, so give a smile and a cheer !  
Of course, we thank God as our blessings we count.
Such help He has given — every day a great amount. 

It was the Lord’s doing to sell our PV place. 
    With no ads, no For Sale sign, it was amazing.
We hadn’t even put it up for sale — 
It sold so quickly; God’s the one we are praising.
We’ve rented a townhouse in Cottonwood that’s nice.  
                 Robert &Lori gave good help and advice.
            Downsizing, rearranging has been a new chore;
            We’re thankful for the Lord’s direction so much more. 

Growing older is something really new — 
     it seems to happen to us !   How about you ?
Write down things you recall from your past;
Save those memories from your brain at last.

Count your blessings, can you still sing that song ?
     Appreciate those good days all year long
Let’s try to keep on keeping in touch,
Don and I care about YOU so much. 

Yes, anticipate challenges you’ll face,
     Call them Opportunities to grow in grace.
We thank God for His love and care;
We ask Him to bless YOU in our daily prayer.  

So enjoy Christmas — and in the Bible you’ll read
     Jesus came to be our Savior, so heed  !
Who knows how much longer we’ll live here,
When Heaven’s our home, goodbye to fear

by Elaine Hardt ©2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Getting Ready for Thanksgiving Day

             ***Pray now for God's blessing. 
No accidents, no incidents,
no tickets, no troubles,
not even see an accident.

No big rainstorm,
no thunder and lightning, or hail,
no wind, no flooding on the roads.

No speeding,
no careless driving, you or anyone,
no drunks on streets or highways.

Good wisdom for everyone:
troopers, drivers, passengers,
truck drivers, motorcyclists.

No wrong way drivers,
No fussy passengers, young or old,
No unexpected delay going or coming home. 

May this important day be special:
a time to be thankful and verbal,
a time to appreciate each other. 
***Join all of us praying for a great day. 
                         + + + 

by Elaine Hardt © 2019

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Looking Way Up in the Sky

One small cloud was all I could see
looking from one side to the other, 
the sky was so nice and blue.
So why am I telling this to you?

It might be lonely up there today, 
but it didn’t have to share the sky
So I smiled at that one little cloud,
“Enjoy being there,” though not knowing why.

I gave all this more thought that night.  
God created such stuff, give Him praise !
Don’t be totally full of yourself,
so like some people I know these days.

God gave each of us a body and brain;
we can experience using our mind.
Think about our wonderful Creator,
Pray and ask wisdom and blessing to find. 

There’s lots to know when you ask and seek,
Add on some contemplation.
Learning sometimes takes some time
Exercise your imagination.

Enjoy the changing views of the sky,
At night you’ll see many a star.
Be thankful you are ready to learn.
Maybe you don’t know it all so far.

                              + + + 

by Elaine Hardt ©2019

Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Hey ! You’re Still Alive TODAY.

Today is a NEW day.
Something different is on the way. 
What you choose to do and say,
     “Could be important to me.” 
Could improve what you see; 
could improve what will be. 

There’s something you can learn
as you choose which way to turn — 
     something interesting you’lI discern. 
Your Father in Heaven sees it all. 
Pray to Him so you don’t fall.
He hears your every call. 

It’s time now to think and do ! 
Be thankful for today’s view ! 
     See what really matters to you ! 

by Elaine Hardt @ 2019 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Bringing YOU Up-To-Date

So what’s it like to move in June ?
     is it fun, but necessary to do 
Well, looking back a few months now . . . 
     I wouldn’t recommend it to you.

First, there’s downsizing,  oh my,
     Who would have predicted this for me !
Who knew all our stuff would be so much !
     Try to box it up in three days and see !  

Well, then came those nice firemen movers,
     and off we went fifty-two miles away.
So nice to see the cute townhouse rental,
     We live in this small place today. 

Take a new look at the stuff over here,
      Some we may never really use,
Sell, donate, give to our kids and friends,
     Now the challenge is ours to choose.

So, our advice to you, our friends ?
     Don’t wait till your husband is eighty nine;
Think ahead, plan accordingly,
     Take time for fun, this suggestion is mine. 

Of course, we have much to be thankful for . . . 
     every day we talk to God in prayer;
and we pray for family, friends, and neighbors,
     not neglecting those politicians we share.
                      + + + 

by Elaine Hardt ©2019

“I will tell everyone about Your righteousness.
All day long I will proclaim Your saving power,
for I am overwhelmed by how much You have done for me.”
Psalm 71:15 NLT

Tuesday, May 07, 2019

The Storms of Life YOU Know

Storms of life bring a challenge !
How can you get through ?
Do YOU remember from long ago
something that hurt you ?

Maybe in that old neighborhood
or way back then in school ?
Grownups, kids, or even old friends
acted like you were a fool ?

Do you recognize anything today
that strongly bothers you ?
Take time now to analyze,
Choose what’s best to do.

Your job, some relative, 
even your spouse, maybe
not treating you like you deserve,
and no improvement you see ?

Give yourself a new look now,
Luke 8 in the Bible to see
What Jesus’ disciples said to Him
during that bad storm on the sea.  

Their lives were saved and they saw
wonderful miracles that day;
It underscores for each of us
we need to trust God and obey.

Storms of life that come to us
can make us so much stronger !
Brings us confidence in the LORD
as we live for Him much longer. 
                  + + + 

by Elaine Hardt ©2019

Look up Luke 8 at

Friday, April 12, 2019

Will This Happen to YOU ?

The town newspaper is the Daily Catastrophe. What a brilliant, eye-catching title, 
yes ?  
Actually, it was renamed from the original Daily Caller when the new owners decided to drown the inhabitants there with more state and national news — not so much boring, daily info from around town.
         A quick review of the newspaper now shows lots of news:
    calamities             crisis                consequences    
           catastrophes          cataclysm         cyberbullying  
                       crime                  collusion         crisis
The editor, Patrick Plussig was so pleased to see the subscriptions double in the first two weeks he knew his idea was the right thing to do.  A small raise in the salary of each of the writers, as well as a tip of $20 to each of the delivery boys and girls was appreciated, also.  
So, picture this.  YOU, the reader, now can put your own take on it.  What do you want to read more about:  interesting trouble,  big-city crime very cleverly continuing, lots of movie-stars and TV personalities who are demonstrating immorality in an entertaining way,  foreigners that are fleeing their countries to come to the US and get paid better, get free health care and free college education ? 
One emphasis on legal fiddling around in the government seems to prod others who were marginally law-abiding to step up so they can get more of the attention their hearts desire.  
What can the normal, law-abiding, people do ?  Try to be a good example of behaving, like the Ten Commandments and other laws and regulations that appreciate the rights of all decent people ?  Go to an actual Bible-believing church,  vote for people with good records,  etc. ?
Even emails and online links pop up with some disgusting stuff. Kids in school play with their smart phones in their classroom.  Even ordering nice things on the Internet from a well-known company has “cookies” that are sold to unlikely companies.  Your name and email as well as your address and personal info are gleaned from your computer.
Yes, staying “quiet” might keep you from being too visible as one of those old-fashioned citizens who wants to do what is right all the time. So, can you believe and do what is actually good? What kind of a future do you want for yourself, your kids, your spouse, your relatives, your town?  
For Rhonda & Ralph Rosegood the answer was right.  Pray, keep on reading the Bible,  focus on doing what our Heavenly Father wants us all to do.  No matter what everybody else chooses to do.      
                                                   + + + 

by Elaine Hardt ©2019

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Remembering ? Changing?

The past didn’t last !  
It’s Now — and, how ? 
Days sped by; that’s no lie.
Remember ?  Yes, I try. 

Spring, summer, fall,
and winter came to all.
Weather got colder; everyone got older.
Some days of rain; someone will complain.

Coming, going, sometimes knowing.
Remember:  keep on growing.
Need for learning keeps returning.
Got a brain in my head, that’s what Mama said.

Don’t forget to pray, I did hear Dad say.
God in Heaven sees everything, that’s true.
He loves us, too —  that’s me and you.
Faith means we believe — forgiveness receive !  

Sing “Jesus loves me this I know,
for the Bible tells me so.”
Now, is it time for changing ?
Want to do rearranging ?

Forgetting can bring stress;  
I gotta do my best.
Stuff happens all the time,
That kind of mountain I CAN climb.
+ + + 

by Elaine Hardt ©2019