Fire ! Flood ! Earthquake ! Avalanche ! Snowstorm !
Tornado ! Hail ! Volcano ! Lightning ! Thunderstorm !
Cyclone ! Blizzard !
PAY ATTENTION: Every day the news reports some big, bad storms somewhere in the world. It’s shocking to hear all the troubles hitting the world and so many people affected by these events.
PRAY: With serious concern for all those people in those areas we should pray for them, of course. Pray for the first responders, pray for those attempting to rescue, pray for news media people going there to report to us.
PLAN FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY: What can you do today to prepare for any of these serious events? Do you have some cash on hand? Got enough gas in your car to drive away from the area? Got a cell phone to help keep in touch? Got some change of clothes in your car, also some water and some nutrition bars? What else would be helpful for you in some serious event?
PRAY ABOUT THIS, TOO: Give some thought about this, too. You can pray for people to turn to God, to repent, to be ready to die if bad stuff is happening to them. Pray for their relatives who will be forced to handle serious events, sad emotions.
HERE’S A CHALLENGE FOR YOU NOW. What’s your own attitude in all of this living and dying? If something so drastic happens to you are you ready to die? Have you thought about God, about judgment, about eternal life? Got your plans made?
Right now . . . before other stuff catches your attention . . . your response is so important. You are important to yourself, important to your family, probably to your friends, too. Consider your own eternity. The Bible tells us that Almighty God created this world and the people, and you, too. Your own response to His love is a great big decision that you can settle today.
SO, DON’T PUT IT OFF. Your choice means everything to YOU. Own up to what you did that wasn’t good, and own up to your need for forgiveness. Own up to your appreciation for Jesus dying for your sins. Own up to your response to a new view of life and death and eternity. At do a word search and learn more about it. This is a huge opportunity for YOU right now.
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by Elaine Hardt ©2019