
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

My Mind is Like a Pantry

My mind is like a pantry where lots of stuff is stored;
I browse, and scrounge, and rummage, and never do get bored.
A little crew of helpers live here within this chest
And offer me suggestions on how to do things best.

Impulse used to run about -- causing problems, Goodness knows,
Now, Conduct is improving as Obedience stronger grows.
Here someone special's planted seeds of loving care:
A new crop's growing daily; I have enough to share.

Happy memories nestle like smoothly polished rocks
And I reach in and choose from this golden box.
There's word games in one corner with jokes and puns and rhyme,
So I can amuse myself nearly any old time.

Scientific notions are stacked upon one shelf,
Alongside rules and reasons for reading, math, and health.
Musical sounds don't often slumber within these walls,
They bounce around so merrily like little ping-pong balls.

There is a drawer for useless facts my teacher made me learn
Who knows? Someday I may be glad for these details' return.
Yes, my mind is like a pantry with many things to use,
I surely wouldn't want God's masterpiece to lose
So I'll make ME my very best; I have the power to choose!

                                                                         —Elaine Hardt ©1979