Today some bad news comes on the TV news or on social media or some Internet news site? Or, in the neighborhood or downtown?
Are you accepting complacency? Choosing to overlook problems? That aggravation or that problem could be the nudge for you to try a new approach. Don’t let yourself be buried under a negative snow slide of massive calamity.
Maybe there’s no easy way out, no quick fix? So, go sit in the rocking chair? What is a considerate person supposed to do? Quit caring about anybody else?
For the careful, concerned person there is something that’s not complicated, not confusing, not time-consuming that you can do. You don’t need to neglect what YOU can do. Shed your anxiety and save lots of time by not worrying.
Right there and then . . .
bring the situation to the LORD in prayer. It could be something like, “Dear Heavenly Father, I ask your blessing of help, protection, wisdom for those persons there. Thank You for loving them and providing what they need to get through those troubles. And I pray that they will receive You into their lives.”
Perhaps the idea pops into your head for you to do something to help? “Dear Father, if there’s something You want me to do about this let me know what and how and when. Thank You for giving me wisdom in this matter.”
Another quick and easy prayer that can spare you from worry, fuss, neglect is for you in the first thing in the morning, before you hit the road or start some project at home. “Dear Father, help me say the right thing at the right time to the right person. May I show Your love when and what and how You lead me to do it. Thank You for wisdom in this matter.”
A request with a “Thank You” in 40 words or less is simple, focused, and possible. The LORD will bless the ones you pray for and He will bless you. He will do it in His time and in His way.
When our desire is to please our Heavenly Father, then we can relax and go forward as He leads. Don’t worry, don’t fuss, and be thankful.
“Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything, by prayer and supplication with gratitude,
make your requests known to God.” Philippians 4:6
(The word “pray” is found in the Bible 360 times;
“prayer” is 152 times in the MEV,
Modern English Version. See )
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by Elaine Hardt ©2016