
Sunday, October 18, 2009


        Besides my published books now I've been writing smaller, self-published booklets. I make them on my computer, using bluesquirrel's program, Click Book. The booklets are FREE. Send me an email to to make your request. Here's the titles updated to June 22, 2021 . . .  
Booklet 1: Finding God in Different Places
Booklet 2: Thoughtful People Ask Questions
Booklet 3: Health & Healing
Booklet 4: Discoveries
Booklet 5: Something to Think About
Booklet 6: Why Not ?
Booklet 7: Oh, Joy! A New Look at Life
Booklet 8: Short & Simple: Poetry and Prayers
Booklet 9: A Perfect Gift
Booklet 10: When It Happens
Booklet 11: Grandma Cares !
Booklet 12: Lots of Reasons to be Happy
Booklet 13: Snuggled Up: Conversations with Grandma
Booklet 14: Confidence & Peace of Mind
Booklet 15: Interesting Possibilities
Booklet 16: Love, Comfort, and Hope
Booklet17: Fascinating Journey
Booklet 18: Blessings for You
Booklet 19: Simply Said: Basics
Booklet 20: Your Achievement
Booklet 21: Somebody Cares
Booklet 22: A Path, A Tree
Booklet 23: What’s New
Booklet 24: This is for You !
Booklet 25: Lights, Sun, Moon, Stars
Booklet 26: Meet a Few Friends
Booklet 27: Time to Grow
Booklet 28: Encouraging You
Booklet 29: Heart to Heart
Booklet 30: Celebrating Change, Challenge
Booklet 31: Life’s Trail: Discoveries that made a Difference
Booklet 32: Little Book of Happy Poems
Booklet 33: Friendly Conversation
Booklet 34: A Happy Marriage: Opportunity, Challenge, Blessing
Booklet 35: ABCs for You & Me
Booklet 36: Life's Trail: Part 2, Experiences that call for Faith
Booklet 37: Interesting Improvements
Booklet 38: Boys &; Men: Appreciating Them
Booklet 39: Stepping Stones to Serenity
Booklet 40: Opportunities You've Possibly Overlooked
Booklet 41: It's About Time !
Booklet 42: Cheering You On !
Booklet 43: You Have Some Blessings to Share (Write Them Down)
Booklet 44: Enjoying Your Favorite Seasons of the Year
Booklet 45: The BEST is Yet to Come
Booklet 46: An Attitude of Gratitude: Who, Me ?
Booklet 47: 69 Words of JOY for YOU
Booklet 48: Coffee House Chronicles
Booklet 49: Taking a Closer Look
Booklet 50: Making a Decision: logic, courage, determination
Booklet 51: Open for Opportunity
Booklet 52: What is Faith ?
Booklet 53: Finding HOPE for Today and HOPE for Tomorrow
Booklet 54: A Look at Love
Booklet 55: Coming to Confidence in Life's Challenges
Booklet 56:  Exclamations !!!
Booklet 57: Comfort, Confidence, Courage!
Booklet 58: I Will Have a Good Day!
Booklet 59: Greater Things
Booklet 60: Patience:  Who, Me ?  When ?  How ?
Booklet 61: Another Look at Determination
Booklet 62: From Motivation to Celebration !
Booklet 63: MORE Peace of Mind
Booklet 64: Words: Choose 'em, Use 'em
Booklet 65: What Matters
Booklet 66:  Yes, I Can !
Booklet 67: WISDOM
Booklet 68:  Forgive?  Forgiven !!!
Booklet 69: Taking Another Look
Booklet 70: If You Knew How Much God Loves You
Booklet 71: My Completely Wonderful Blessing
Booklet 72: Asking Questions?  Finding Answers ?
Booklet 73: Oh, Honestly!  Humorous & serious look at prayer
Booklet 74: Consider Your Success
Booklet 75: To Be, or Not To Be -- HAPPY!
Booklet 76: Good For You !
Booklet 77:  What a Relief !
Booklet 78:  What's Next ?
Booklet 79:  Some New Words for Some Old Songs
Booklet 80:  Let's Be Practical
Booklet 81: Spring is Here !!!
Booklet 82: Easter Encouragement
Booklet 83: Your Determination, Your Success!
Booklet 84: More to Think About (Good for You)
Booklet 85:  Helpful Strategy
Booklet 86:  Good Morning
Booklet 87:  You Are a Special Person
Booklet 88: One Day Older !!!
Booklet 89: Your Amazing Brain
Booklet 90:  Improving Each Day
Booklet 91:  Helpful Conversations
Booklet 92:  More Encouragement
Booklet 93:  Looking at Success
Booklet 94:  Getting Better
Booklet 95: Your Bright Ideas
Booklet 96:  Thanksgiving 2017
Booklet 97:  Here Comes Christmas
Booklet 98:  Your Wonderful Future
Booklet 99:  One a Day
Booklet 100:  AMAZING ! Interesting Ideas for YOU
Booklet 101:  Thinking About Today
Booklet 102:  A Happy Marriage - Opportunity, Challenge, Blessing
Booklet 103:  A Happy Anniversary
Booklet 104:  Thinking About Tomorrow
Booklet 105:  Another Birthday
Booklet 106:  Good-bye, Frustration!
Booklet 107:   Hello, Opportunity
Booklet 108:  Your Unique Adventure!
Booklet 109:  Your Wonderful Possibilities
Booklet 110:  Success: Facing the Storms
Booklet 111: A Challenge a Day Keeps Boredom Away
Booklet 112: It IS Time to Smile
Booklet 113:  Exercise Your Brain:  from A to Z
Booklet 114:  Enjoy the Adventure of Life
Booklet 115: Joyful Determination !
Booklet 116:  Learning More Life Lessons
Booklet 117: You CAN Do It
Booklet 118: What's Up?  Where Are You Going?
Booklet 119: Improving....More and More and More !
Booklet 120: What's Next ? 
Booklet 121: From Frowns to Smiles
Booklet 122:  Improving & Having Fun
Booklet 123:  HAPPPY !  Know It ?  Show It ! 
Booklet 124: A New View of Life
Booklet 125: Ideas for Improvement 
Booklet 126   Smile on your way Today  
Booklet 127  Another Day, Challenge, Opportunity 

What's Going Wrong?

As advanced as technology has become,
as intellectual as many people have become,
as aware of the world as many of us are. . .
Yet the world is in terrible shape right now.

We must ask, What is happening? Why in the world is all this happening? What in the world can I do about it?

I must have answers for myself, for my own sanity and survival. And I care about my family and friends. To some degree, I care about strangers, people all around the world.

So, here’s the start of a list of “what is happening.”

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Time to Thank Someone

It’s time to acknowledge those who have encouraged, inspired, and helped us. October is Christian Leadership Recognition Month, but this does not mean we must wait until an annual, official commendation.

Looking for a person to tell, “Thanks!” is a good exercise for our brains. Writing a personalized acknowledgement is a good exercise for our hearts.

One year we sent this photo of Glacier lakes by Peter Hardt ©2007.
(Double click to enlarge.)

Here's a Bible verse we included in an earlier letter of “Thanks!”
“We give thanks to God always
for you making mention of you
in our prayers,
remembering without ceasing
your work of faith,
labor of love,
and patience of hope
in our Lord Jesus Christ
in the sight of our God and Father,” 1 Thessalonians 1:2, 3

Last week my friend, Jann, wanted to convey special appreciation to a group of people at her church. Here is what I sent her:

                                                         We Value Our Volunteers

                                                         Adaptable workers,
                                                         Generous and kind,
                                                         Focused on quality,
                                                         Helping on their mind.

                                                         Ideas to suggest,
                                                        Their talent to share,
                                                        Some time to give;
                                                        People who care!

                                                         Doers with kindness,
                                                         Learners with a smile,
                                                         Filling a need,
                                                         Thoughtful all the while.

                                                        Available participants
                                                        Spreading good cheer;
                                                        We need volunteers
                                                        And we’re glad they’re here.
By Elaine Hardt ©2009

Who has done something meaningful for you? A word of appreciation is a blessing you can bestow.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Discouragement in Late Afternoon

Sandy crevices claim the feeble stream,
Evaporation disentangles the remaining liquid;
A scarcely caring person ponders the scene,
An empty view.

Unsettled questions gnaw the soul,
Stifling contradictions blanket the mind;
No spark of effort stirs the body,
Words fail to flow.

Where is hope, where are possibilities?
Don’t let this happen to you, I beg;
Take a deeper breath of faith,
Consider God’s provision.

Don’t disregard the slight hints of beauty
The coming night sky will again display;
You are part of His universe,
And He still calls to you.

By Elaine Hardt ©2007
Photo by Peter Hardt ©2004

Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Lesson of the Duct Tape

Pay attention to Duct Tape.
Apply yourself to the job.
Stick to doing your job well.
Don’t be overly concerned about how it looks to others.
Set an example of living up to your potential.
You were made by Someone greater than you.
Your Maker knows what’s best.

Duct Tape isn’t perfect, doesn’t brag or show off.
You, on the other hand, are put in a position to learn and grow.
You can speak to your Maker, and
You can speak out about your Maker.
You can trust in Him and be thankful to Him.
Someday you will be perfect in a new body
In a wonderful New Place!

Your Maker is exceedingly wise
And powerful beyond what we can comprehend.
He has a tremendous plan for Everything!
You, being imperfect, need to acknowledge that,
And receive His way of life.
The Bible is the Book of Directions;
Be glad to do life His way.

By Elaine Hardt ©2009

God wants YOU to be like duct tape.

“… hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast.” Hebrews 3:6
“…hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first.” Hebrews 3:14
“…hold firmly to the faith we profess.” Hebrews 4:14
“…hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23