The town newspaper is the Daily Catastrophe. What a brilliant, eye-catching title,
yes ?
Actually, it was renamed from the original Daily Caller when the new owners decided to drown the inhabitants there with more state and national news — not so much boring, daily info from around town.
A quick review of the newspaper now shows lots of news:
calamities crisis consequences
catastrophes cataclysm cyberbullying
crime collusion crisis
The editor, Patrick Plussig was so pleased to see the subscriptions double in the first two weeks he knew his idea was the right thing to do. A small raise in the salary of each of the writers, as well as a tip of $20 to each of the delivery boys and girls was appreciated, also.
So, picture this. YOU, the reader, now can put your own take on it. What do you want to read more about: interesting trouble, big-city crime very cleverly continuing, lots of movie-stars and TV personalities who are demonstrating immorality in an entertaining way, foreigners that are fleeing their countries to come to the US and get paid better, get free health care and free college education ?
One emphasis on legal fiddling around in the government seems to prod others who were marginally law-abiding to step up so they can get more of the attention their hearts desire.
What can the normal, law-abiding, people do ? Try to be a good example of behaving, like the Ten Commandments and other laws and regulations that appreciate the rights of all decent people ? Go to an actual Bible-believing church, vote for people with good records, etc. ?
Even emails and online links pop up with some disgusting stuff. Kids in school play with their smart phones in their classroom. Even ordering nice things on the Internet from a well-known company has “cookies” that are sold to unlikely companies. Your name and email as well as your address and personal info are gleaned from your computer.
Yes, staying “quiet” might keep you from being too visible as one of those old-fashioned citizens who wants to do what is right all the time. So, can you believe and do what is actually good? What kind of a future do you want for yourself, your kids, your spouse, your relatives, your town?
For Rhonda & Ralph Rosegood the answer was right. Pray, keep on reading the Bible, focus on doing what our Heavenly Father wants us all to do. No matter what everybody else chooses to do.
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by Elaine Hardt ©2019