It finally dawned on me that God meant what He said;
I’ve been called, blessed,
gifted by His Spirit, given a new life,
changed and changing, through and through.
I’m not to be average, normal and content,
passive, set in my ways,
a friendly person who is self-centered, too.
Forgive me, Lord, for being a spectator in a pew
when you have something exciting,
fulfilling, important,
life-changing for ME to do.
I’ve got all I need, given by grace,
receiving the full Gospel truth,
having a teachable spirit, willingness,
boldness, empowered by faith in You.
It’s not someone else’s job; it’s not just a children’s story.
Life is to be lived, Spirit-filled, enthusiastically,
learning to obediently,
completely trust in You.
By Elaine Hardt ©2001