
Thursday, April 16, 2020

So Many Challenges

The COVID-19 problem has emerged, rapidly spreading.  So many new restrictions, so many new things to worry about.

These challenges bring interruptions to our planned-ahead nice day.  Which can you identify with in YOUR own life?  Which have you observed in others near by ?

Unexpected Changes:  home - school - work - neighbors

Unplanned changes : your salary - auto expenses - a death in the family

Undesirable changes:  political issues in town -  in your state -  national changes

Gradual situations: starting to forget - starting to be allergic - going to new doctor - going to a new dentist

Unpredictable changes:  a friend moved far away -  a new law about ….?

Ongoing Stress:  getting used to a hearing aid -  noisy trucks going down the  street 

Now go back to the categories and see what bright ideas pop into your mind:  challenges that affronted you at some point in your life so far. How did you deal with the challenges ?  

Every situation that butts into your well-planned life is a challenge.  What do you want to do ?  Is anger the answer ?  Can you just ignore it and expect someone else to fix the trouble ?

Each challenge can provide us with an adventure in believing in the Lord.  Pray for His protection, for wisdom in what to do and how to do it.   Pray for your family, neighbors, the medical teams, the government leaders, and the others that come to mind.
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by Elaine Hardt ©2020